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8 Types of Bullying

There are different types of bullying, each with its own characteristics and consequences:

1. Physical Bullying: This is the most obvious form of bullying, involving       hitting, kicking, biting, pinching, pulling hair, or even threatening physical harm.

2. Verbal Bullying: Words can hurt deeply. This includes name-calling, mocking nicknames, spreading rumors, and persistent teasing.

3. Emotional Bullying: You don’t need to be called names or physically harmed to be a victim of bullying. Deliberately excluding someone from a group or activity is a common form of emotional bullying.

4. Racial Bullying: This involves making offensive remarks about someone’s nationality, gender, or race, or mocking customs or clothing from different cultures. It can also include racist graffiti.

5. Sexual Bullying: Often overlooked, sexual bullying is a serious issue. It includes unwanted touching, gestures, or comments of a sexual nature.

6. Cyberbullying: With technology being so prevalent in our society, this form of bullying has become very common, especially among young people. It includes harassment through emails, social media, private messages in video games, text messages, or public comments, with the goal of tormenting, threatening, humiliating, or embarrassing the victim.

7. Hazing: This involves ritual tests or tasks that harass, abuse, or humiliate someone as a way to initiate them into a group, club, team, or organization. It can escalate to physical abuse or mental degradation.

8. Homophobic Bullying: Nearly 9 out of 10 LGBT students report experiencing bullying or harassment in the past year. Over 30% have suffered physical abuse at school due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. Additionally, more than 50% regularly hear homophobic remarks, and 30% have skipped school out of fear for their personal safety.