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4 truths about bystanders of bullying

We never forget bullies, but we also remember those who had the power to act and did nothing. Often, bystanders remain passive, not intervening to stop the attacks or stand up for the victim.

I admit, I’ve been guilty of the same. Sometimes, I witnessed bullying and did nothing, thinking my voice wouldn’t make a difference. Other times, I was just relieved that I wasn’t the target.

I deeply regret those moments. Here’s why bystanders don’t step in:

1. Fear of retaliation: Many are afraid they’ll become the next target, even though they often have more power than they realize. Collective action can stop the bullying.

2. Entertainment: Some see bullying as a spectacle and even encourage the violence by recording it.

3. Dislike for the victim: Some bystanders hate the target and feel satisfied seeing the bullies act on their behalf.

4. Indifference: Others simply choose not to get involved, thinking it doesn’t concern them.

However, the more bystanders who support the victim, the more likely the bullying will stop.